Bunte Klebefolien - An Attractive and Durable Alternative to Paint
Bunte Klebefolien - An Attractive and Durable Alternative to Paint
Blog Article
Colours play a major role in our daily life and have a strong emotional influence on the way we feel and perceive our world. Bunte Klebefolien reshape the living and working environment, offering a new, colourful impression. They reflect the joy of life and are ideal for a quick, desired change in the color design. Whether as tablecloths, curtain fabrics or wall coverings, bunte Klebefolien are care-free and dirt-resistant. They are an ideal base for coloured accents and create a vibrant atmosphere in the living area.
The high quality of the Glitzerfolien / Mobelfolien ensures a long lifespan, making them an attractive and durable alternative to paint. These self-klebende foils are easy to use and are available in a wide variety of colours. In addition, they are resistant to Kratzer and humidity, and also have a high reversibility.
This is due to the fact that the adhesive layer of these self-klebende folie is integrated into the lining of the laminate, so that it can be easily removed without leaving behind residue. Furthermore, the coating of the folie provides a high level of water resistance and is therefore suitable for indoor use.
The foils are very easy to cut and can be klebende with a standard cutter or cutting machine. A rotary cutter is recommended when working with larger sheets. Depending on the type of surface to be coated, the foils can be precut in the shape of the required motif or left uncut and then cut on the actual object. Using precut motifs saves time and effort and helps to achieve the best results.
For optimal adhesion, the Klebefolie glitzer are pretreated with an adhesive sizing that improves the bonding of the film to the substrate. This sizing also prevents the formation of bubbles during the kleben process. The sizing is available in different thicknesses and colours to match the surface of the glitzer.
In addition to a smooth and stable base for the decorative motif, the sizing also increases the tear strength and reduces peeling of the glitzerfolien. Especially when the adhesive layer is applied to wood and metal surfaces, this makes it easier to remove the folie in the event of damage.
Glitzerfolie Violett, auch als Glitzerfolie Purpur oder Glitzerfolie Lila, schafft tolle Glitzereffekte auf samtliche Untergrunde. Dank einer speziellen Klebeschicht und der im Glitzerfolien eingegearbeiteten feinsten Luftkanäle, bildet diese klebefolie die perfekte Grundlage für eine hervorragende Beleuchtung.
Mit d-c-fix(r) dekorativen Klebefolien strahlt ein neues Licht in den Wohnzimmer, Küchenstühlen und Mobeln. Dabei lassen sich die alten Oberflachen, wie Wande, Turen oder Mobeln in kurzem Zeit wieder neugestalten; ohne Strömung und geruchloser Reinigung. Die d-c-fix(r) Klebefolien zeichnen sich durch ihre leuchtenden Farben, hochwertigen Designs und hervorragende Farbtiefe aus. Sie eignen sich bestens auch als Dekorative Mobelfolien für Wande, Mobelstühle und Türen.
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